Wednesday 29 August 2012


So, it is honey time again (twice a year).  There is a lot less honey this year and we decided to not remove too much either so the hives stay strong for winter.  The kitchen is turned into a lab for the honey over two days.  

These are the frames that are full of honey.

The front and back of the frames have a wax covering.  This wax is removed with a knife (called uncapping).  It is done over the metal "bin" frame holder on the left.  The wax falls below and will be transformed into candles after melting and filtering out the impurities. 

The frames are placed in the honey extractor.  Our extractor is electric and will spin in both directions to get out all the honey.  

From the base tap, we remove the honey which goes through a series of three filters, which removes wax and impurities.

 Then, through the final filter and into the settling tank for a few days so as to let the impurities rise to the top.

Here, it will stay for two days before the top is skimmed and then, using the tap below, put into jars.

Two days later!


  1. This is such an interesting post, thanks for sharing. I am fascinated by the whole honey-making process. I didn't realise how much filtering it needs, and I never knew bees needed honey for the winter months - is that their way of storing and preserving food? I hope it's tasty.

  2. The filtering is to get out any pollen,wings or legs!! They also need even more 'extra food' at the end of winter if it is cold and they have not been out. This goes into the top (photo to follow) in the form of a sugar loaf. The honey is different every year also, which is fun and yes it is very good (not bias at all!!). Recipes to follow!! Thank you for reading.
    Ivan :)


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