Wednesday 3 October 2012


My dear friend Laura Calder kindly mentioned my blog on Twitter and Facebook earlier today, so I would like to thank her and welcome all the new people coming to my site.  She is back in Paris working on another wonderful book that I was allowed to have a sneaky peek at and I can guarantee it's her best yet!  If you find her an inspiration on her TV programs, she is all that and a lot more in real life, with a beautiful soul!

Hard at work in the Normandy kitchen...

One of her delicious creations that may make the book...


  1. This is very cool, Sophie pushes my hand to scratch her brow....The Food Network is very fortunate to have Laura on their roster....and to think she is in your kitchen....Cheers!

    1. Hello Sophie and Ron,
      Thanks for stopping by, I have known Laura for 11 years now and we were very lucky to have her incredibly sweet parents for lunch and dinner one time. I mention this because they are from New Brunswick which is not so far from where you are. I hope you have a good walk today, sunny here and strangely warm...

    2. Yes NB is just a hop, skip and jump from us...we have friends in that province too...such a beautiful place to explore. Our weather is strangely warm also...what's that all complaints I guess but the mosquitoes have to go. Our maple trees are beginning to turn colours, so excited for a photo session....enjoying your world...Cheers!

    3. We have been as far as Malbaie in Quebec (I didn't want to leave!), guess we'll have to keep going another time.

  2. A fellow Maritimer she would be! I am wondering out loud if she has a newsletter> I will check to see. I follow someone now Ivan you may even know.....David Lebowitz who is an American living in Paris. Being the frustrated baker/chef I have always wanted to be (will put that on hold for one of my 'next lives') I love to read about cooking, baking and everything in between! Everything you, Laura and David do all the time!!!

    1. Hi Jim,
      It's never too late to learn to bake or learn new cooking tricks! Why wait...
      Have a good weekend.


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